Arlington Facts
Founded 1875
Incorporated April 21, 1884
Population 350,370
Land Area 99.5 square miles
Government Type Council-Manager
Median Age 30.9 years old
Median Household Income $48,617
City of Arlington Property Tax Rate
.6480 per $100 valuation
Park acres: 4,651
Recreation Centers: 5
Senior Centers: 2
Tennis Courts: 49
Swimming Pools: 6 plus 1 under construction that will open Summer 2006
Miles of Park Trail: 44
Basketball Courts: 21
Golf Courses: 4
Softball Complexes: 2
Served by Four Independent School Districts
Arlington ISD
Kennedale ISD
Mansfield ISD
Grand Prairie ISD
Served by Two Institutions of Higher Learning
University of Texas at Arlington
Tarrant County College Southeast Campus
Served by Six Public Libraries
507,891 Library Materials
Median Single-Family Housing Value $96,614
Home Sales
(The Real Estate Center of Texas A&M University)
Year Average Price Number of Sales
1992 $90,900 3,002
1993 $93,800 3,255
1994 $96,700 2,923
1995 $100,000 3,116
1996 $101,300 3,425
1997 $107,600 3,518
1998 $112,000 4,174
1999 $114,900 4,584
2000 $120,500 4,946
2001 $128,600 5,337
2002 $129,800 5,203
2003 $135,100 5,305
2004 $137,300 5,510
Population by Race and Ethnicity (Census 2000)
White 225,379
Black or African American 45,727
American Indian 1,817
Asian or Pacific Islander 20,490
Other 39,556
Of Hispanic Origin 60,817
Age Distribution (Census 2000)
Under 18 94,198
18 to 44 155,495
45 to 64 62,837
65+ 20,439
Travel Info and Visitors to Arlington
6.8 million visitors
Estimated Annual Spending $396 million
US Census Bureau Factfinder – Demographics